2018 (Louisville)
Breakout Session Powerpoints/Handouts
A Career Pathway Model for Adults: Kentucky’s Accelerating Opportunity Program
Powerpoint Presentation
Fact Sheet
Master Alignment Matrix
AtB-AOKY Document
Cody Davidson, Kentucky Skills U, Frankfort, KY; Harmony Little, Kentucky Community and Technical College System, Versailles, KY
Achievement in Career Engagement
Clabe Slone, Rebecca Roach, Jennie Sloan, Carla Kersey, Kentucky Educational Development Corporation, Lexington, KY
Bond, Build, and Bridge the Gaps: Pathways to College and Career Readiness
Jill Ranucci, Manor Independent School District, Manor, TX
Building a Strong Academic and Career Planning Program in a Rural School
Building a Strong ACP in a Rural School (PowerPoint)
Building a Strong ACP in a Rural School (PDF)
Jen Jackson, Nekoosa School District, Nekoosa, WI
Building a Strong Partnership to Sustain Student Success
Cynthia Scherphorn, Oakland Schools Michigan
Career Pathway Program in Healthcare: Do Partners Have Common Goals?
Peter Blain, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA
Changing Perceptions, Shaping Reality: Reimagining the Structure and Purpose of High School
Kathy Funston, Dave Helke, Burnsville-Eagan-Savage Public Schools, Burnsville, MN
College Immersion: A Unique Experience for High School Students
Greg Kepner, Midwest Photonics Education Center, Ottumwa, IA
Cooking Your Way to a Career: Blending Technology and Scenario-Based Learning in the Culinary Classroom
Amy Cryan, Janet Meyers, Oak Lawn Community High School, Oak Lawn, IL
Contextualize Your Class: Developing Relative Integrated Education and Training (IET)
Trey Daniel, Gulf Coast Workforce Board, Education Service Center, Region 6, Texas
Development of an Education-Specific National Accreditation Program Using a National Core Curriculum
Mark Baugh, Weber State University, Ogden, UT
How to Create Win-Win Relationships with Business Partners
Rebecca Bettencourt, D&J Gallo Winery, Modesto, CA; Jeff Albritton, Modesto City Schools, Modesto, CA
Don’t Be Humble! Share Your Success
Michelle Lyman, Melissa Lachcik, and Libby Budd, Joliet Junior College
Expanding Career and College Readiness for High School Students with Disabilities
Rich Tulikangas, Brian Guy, VocRehab VT; Elizabeth King, Community College of VT
Florence City Schools Launch Career Development With Internship and Apprenticeship Opportunities
Corey Behel, Florence City Schools, Florence, AL
Grow Your Own: Career Pathways for Educators
Marjorie Cohen, American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC
Impact and the Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition
Monica Groves, XPRIZE, Culver City, CA
Industry Credentials as a Basis for Articulation
Deanna Khemani, Social Policy Research Associates, Pennsylvania; Julie Parks, Grand Rapids Community College, Michigan
Kentucky is Getting on TRACK with Youth Apprenticeship in Automotive!
Mary Taylor, Kentucky Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education, Frankfort, KY; Johnny Pittman, Oxmoor Auto Group, Louisville, KY
Maximizing Postsecondary Opportunities for Secondary Students Through Articulated and Dual Pathway Credit
Taneka Williams, Cumberland County Schools, Fayetteville, NC
Measure Up! Measuring the Quality of Implementation of State Standards
Monica Stansberry, Dallas Community College District and AEL Dallas County Consortium, Dallas, TX; Kenneth Goffney, Dallas Community College District, Dallas, TX
OCTAE Presents: Rethink CTE Through Perkins V
Robin Utz, U.S. Department of Education, OCTAE, Washington, DC
Piedmont Community College (PCC): A Leader of Innovative Manufacturing Programs in North Carolina
Angela Webb, Doris Carver, Mike Cobb, Piedmont Community College, Roxboro, NC
Rutherford Works Summer HS Internship Program: Building Industry Partnerships
K. Beth Duffield, Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce, Murfreesboro, TN; Tyra Pilgrim, Rutherford County Schools
Serving Immigrant Students with the EL Civics IET
Delia Watley, Gloria Smith, Benj Sampson, Irving ISD/Dallas County AEL Consortium, Texas
SOS! Learn How WIOA Dollars Can Be an Employer “LifeSaver”
Miranda Lough, Kelsie Neal, Workforce Development Board Region 4 WV, Parkersburg, WV
Successful Partnerships: Technician Education and Workforce Fundamentals
Eddie Bennett, Clemson, SC; Carl Washburn, Greenville Technical College, Greenville, SC
Surveys Your Way: Innovative Data Collection Using Google Forms and Google Sheets
Katie Mehin, West-MEC / Western Maricopa Education Center, Phoenix, AZ
Systematizing Career Pathways: The New Way of Doing Business
Jaime Spaciel, Gateway Technical College, Kenosha, WI
Update on National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs
Robin Utz, U.S. Department of Education, OCTAE, Washington, DC
Use MyGED® Resources to Help Adults Find Careers Presenters
Rae Smith, Kentucky GED® Administrator Kentucky Skills U; Sharon Johnston Director, College and Career Prep Kentucky Skills U
Using Employer Resource Networks® to Engage Business in Career Pathways Development
Deanna Khemani, Social Policy Research Associates, Oakland, CA; James Vander Hulst, ERN USA, Grand Rapids, MI; Dallas Oberlee, Southwest W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI
You Can Be Both! Viewing a Law Enforcement Academy Through a STEM Lens
Alise Cayen, Reseda Charter HS Police Academy, Reseda, CA