NCPN is dedicated to strengthening the education-to-careers pipeline through professional development in Career Pathways, Adult Career Pathways, career and technical education (CTE), and workforce development.
Deadlines Extended!
Due to the impact of the recent hurricane affecting our friends in the Southeast, we have extended the conference proposal submission deadline and the LDA registration deadline to ensure everyone has adequate time to participate. Our thoughts are with those who are navigating recovery during this challenging time.
NCPN CONNECT 2025 Call for Proposals
Submission Deadline Extended to October 7.
Registration for the Leadership Development Academy (LDA)
Registration Deadline Extended to October 7.
The LDA is a year-long professional development program designed to help career pathways practitioners develop leadership skills that will equip them to better serve the broader goals of their institutions, communities, and stakeholders. Participants typically include, but are not limited to, Career Pathways coordinators, CTE and adult education practitioners, occupational deans, workforce development personnel, administrators, and counselors.
If you need to register and are in a hurricane-impacted area, contact Linda Locke.

NCPN’s activities serve secondary, postsecondary, adult, and correctional education; workforce and economic development; and workforce investment boards, community-based organizations, and employers.

Through conferences, workshops, and publications, NCPN facilitates the exchange of promising practices and innovations and assists educators and their partners in planning, implementing, evaluating, and improving Career Pathways.

NCPN connects people and resources, provides leadership and professional development, and facilitates the discovery of solutions through partnering at local, state, and national levels.
Annual Conference
Our annual conferences are among the best professional development opportunities in the country. Join us!
For high school, community college, and adult educators as well as workforce personnel, tailored to fit local needs
Career Pathways Leadership Certification
Workshops designed to help develop, maintain, and improve Career Pathways
Visit our resource center for toolkits, books, reports, and other useful materials.
Timely information on Career Pathways, stackable credentials, employability skills, and related topics
Leadership Development Academy
Let us help you acquire core leadership skills in a supportive, mentoring environment.

Pathway Perspectives
The online journal of the National Career Pathways Network
Pathways Perspectives is a platform for secondary and postsecondary educators, adult educators, college and career navigators, workforce development professionals, and employers whose work aligns with career pathways, career and technical education, STEM education, and related fields.
Want to write for Connections?
The National Career Pathways Network welcomes article submissions for Pathway Perspectives. Our readership encompasses secondary and postsecondary faculty, administrators, and counselors; adult education professionals; workforce development personnel; policymakers; and employers.
Articles should follow these guidelines:
- Topics should support NCPN’s mission of advancing Career Pathways, Adult Career Pathways, career technical education, and workforce development initiatives.
- Articles should provide information that is useful to readers. Examples include best practices, lessons learned, successful strategies, recent data, and applications of technology or other recent innovations.
- Length: 500–800 words is the preferred length, but longer articles are also welcome. Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word files.
- Provide links to supporting information.
- Provide author photo(s), logos of featured organizations, and 1-2 high resolution (300 dpi) photos of “action shots” (e.g., students engaged in activities) related to the article.
Thank you for supporting NCPN!
Direct questions to Mark Whitney, editor, at mwhitney@cord.org.
Recent Items from NCPN and Our Affiliates ...
NCPN Connections 33-2
Youth Apprenticeship Collaboration Helps to Shape Future Northeast Wisconsin Workforce
Mike Snowberry, Director of Learning Services, Luxemburg-Casco School District, Luxemburg, Wisconsin
In September 2022, Forward Analytics, the research arm of the Wisconsin Counties Association, indicated that without more people moving to Wisconsin the state’s working-age population is projected to shrink by approximately 130,000 people within the next eight years. Wisconsin tends to lose more college graduates than it retains. The Washington Post found that Wisconsin loses slightly more than 20 percent of its college graduates on average when it analyzed “brain drain” by state in September 2022. At least 106,000 people, age 26 or younger, have left the state over the past decade, according to the Forward Analytics report. One way to attempt to reverse these troubling statistics is to develop a robust Youth Apprenticeship program.
J ATE, Vol 2-1 (Summer 2023)
Building a Well-Equipped Skilled Technical Workforce by Adopting the Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core
Ann-Claire Anderson, Mark Whitney, Center for Occupational Research and Development; Deborah Hecht, Center for Advanced Study in Education at CUNY Graduate Center
STEM technicians and technician education programs face a world in which advancements driven by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and myriad other emerging and converging technologies are transforming existing industries and creating new ones at an unprecedented pace. Today’s technicians are immersed in diverse platforms and interrelated systems that once belonged to single industry sectors. While demand for positions involving tasks that can be automated is declining, new occupations are emerging. Rapid technological change means that technician jobs are converting to what some call “hybrid jobs” and “superjobs,” requiring “skills which are in demand across multiple emerging professions.” The skilled technical workforce, sitting at the center of this disruption, needs a broad, cross-disciplinary skill set to enable them “to navigate a dynamic landscape of accelerating change: job losses, job changes, and job creation.” With these challenges in mind, how—and what—do we teach new technicians?
Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work
Episode 43: Unlocking Potential Through Technology
Podcast Guest: Amy Kardel, Senior Vice President, Strategic Workforce Relationships at CompTIA (Oct 2022)
As an IT professional with an entrepreneurial spirit, Amy brings her vast international experience in both large and small tech companies to share her insight into the Tech workforce. What skills does a technician coming into the workforce need to have to be employable and successful? Hear her ideas about lifelong learning and reskilling as the development arc technicians need for a continuous trajectory of a thriving career in tech. Learn how Career Pathways, apprenticeships, and certifications are providing strategic inroads for students as well as a valuable pipeline of talent for industry.
Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work
A Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core
Produced by Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work (an NSF ATE project of CORD, the parent organization of NCPN), the Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core makes recommendations for incorporating knowledge and skills in advanced digital literacy, data knowledge and analysis, and business knowledge and processes into associate degree technician preparation programs. The Framework represents a paradigm shift for institutions that provide technician education. Technician educators must be empowered to integrate multiple disciplines into existing programs and develop new programs that support emerging disciplines and occupations.
Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work
Adopting the Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core: A Toolkit for Action
Designed to assist in the process of adopting the same project’s Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core, this toolkit suggests six steps for adoption and provides checklists for self-assessment and links to resources designed to assist in the adoption process. Using the toolkit, educators and employers can prioritize STEM Core skill sets and identify where those skills are taught within existing program curriculum and instructional gaps where new cross-disciplinary skill sets could be easily integrated.
May 10, 2022
Breaking Down Silos to Build In-Demand Pathways
Michelle Van Noy, Director, Education and Employment Research Center, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers; Lee Lambert, Chancellor, Pima Community College; Sarah Janes, Associate Vice Chancellor, Continuing and Professional Development, San Jacinto College
Noted Rutgers researcher Dr. Michelle Van Noy is joined by community college leaders Lee Lambert, Chancellor of Pima Community College, and Sarah Janes, Associate Vice Chancellor, Continuing and Professional Development at San Jacinto College, for an insightful look at breaking down the silos between noncredit and credit programs. Panelists discuss how they developed in-demand pathways that intentionally align noncredit and credit programs. This holistic approach offers accessible pathways for all learners that lead to market-valued credentials and degree completion.